Thursday, November 13, 2014


 It is soooo cold here. It's only going to get colder. That being said, I won't get any new work done quickly.
But I've uploaded some of my photography that is for sale in my shop.
These photos can be framed. They are so beautiful! I love to photograph landscape and landmarks. When I see them printed out, the pictures just blows my mind. I love having photos that remind me of God's beauty.
So here are some of those beautiful shots...
I have to say that this is my absolutely most favorite shot. It is titled 'Beautiful America'.
*All of these shots can come in Black & White, Sepia, and/or Color.

This is my second most favorite shot. It looks like it would be so peaceful to sit on that bench! It is titled 'Small Town Seat'.

I have to say that I love this one too. It is titled 'Quiet Place'. 

This one is 'Roadside Sunset'. I love the colors. God is so glorious!!
You can get all of these shots and more from my Etsy shop.
That's it for today.

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